Meet US


Grupo Iñesta is made up of more than professionals worldwide

Thanks to the superior value of the company, our excellent team, our commitment to research and to a sustainable model, Grupo Iñesta remains focused on ensuring more profitable, efficient and ecological agriculture.

To do this, we provide agricultural professionals anywhere in the world with comprehensive plant nutrition solutions that maximise crop productivity and profitability.

Technical Department

The technical department is the core of the company, constantly evolving with a strong commitment to improving the production process, improving product quality control and studying the advances of modern agriculture.

Our goal to innovate in new products has led the technical department to engage in public and private research projects, collaborating with different national and international universities and institutions.

For all these reasons, the department has a multidisciplinary team with professionals specialised in different fields and a modern fully equipped laboratory.

Sales Departmen

Our sales and logistics departments work in close collaboration so we are able to offer the best customer service, from initial contact to after-sales care.

In addition to researching new markets, identifying opportunities and potential businesses, the sales department maintains constant contact with our customers, who we visit regularly, providing technical, agronomic and commercial support.

This close service allows logistics to find the most efficient transport methods so that the goods arrive at their destination on time and in perfect condition.

Our inter-departmental experience in managing records and customs procedures focuses on optimising customer costs and providing an efficient and competitive service.

Production Department

Each of our products is manufactured and packaged at our facilities in Alicante (Spain) by experienced professionals with a working method based on over 39 years’ experience and know-how.

The production process combines automated techniques with manual techniques, allowing us to fulfil orders of any volume without sacrificing quality.

Grupo Iñesta analyses each and every batch produced, so we can guarantee the effectiveness of every batch, ensuring that it meets the legal requirements of each country and that it corresponds to the guaranteed contents of the label.

Production Department

Fully controlling each of the steps involved in the manufacture of our products allows us to refine the formulations we offer our customers.

Our attention to detail is constant, as we are committed to quality and sustainability. All our efforts are aimed at making better products, with shorter turnaround times, and the lowest environmental cost. In this regard, we are particularly proud of our innovative system for the treatment of industrial effluents.

The process, funded by ERDF funds, transforms this waste into a reusable raw material for the manufacture of new products, making us a zero liquid discharge company.

Production Department

Nuestra atención por el detalle es constante, pues estamos comprometidos con la calidad y la sostenibilidad. Todos nuestros esfuerzos están destinados en obtener mejores productos, de forma más rápida y con el menor coste ambiental.

En esta última línea estamos especialmente orgullosos de nuestro innovador sistema para el tratamiento de efluentes industriales. El proceso, financiado con fondos FEDER, transforma este residuo en una materia prima reutilizable para la fabricación de nuevos productos, lo que nos convierte en una empresa de vertido cero.
