Meet US


Grupo Iñesta has three well-established international brands

Grupo Iñesta has three brands that are very well established worldwide and have a long history on four continents. Alfredo Iñesta, HAF and TECA have, over the years, become three of the most prominent specialty fertiliser brands on the international market.

Alfredo Iñesta

Manufacturer of special fertilizers

Alfredo Iñesta, founded in 1982, was the first brand launched by Grupo Iñesta, which has evolved from NPK nutritional formulations to the design and manufacture of the most innovative self-defence inducers, becoming one of the most reliable premium quality brands in international farming.


Long tradition in professional extensive agriculture

HAF (Hispano Americana de Fertilizantes) is a brand with a long tradition in professional extensive agriculture, but it also has specific formulations for intensive crops. Thanks to its quality and efficiency, it guarantees to increase crop vigour and yield. Having had great success in Latin America, HAF has spread to the Asian and African continents.


 Influenced by European tradition

TECA (Técnicas Europeas de Cultivos Agrícolas) is the brand influenced by European tradition in the research and development of new agricultural solutions for modern, sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture.
